The Logo
The RealReal logo was drawn by Zurich-based type foundry Swiss Typefaces and uses two colors: black and white. Primarily the logo should be used on a white background for maximum impact and clarity.
Usage Guidelines
Incorrect Usage
Use only the approved logo assets. Do not recreate the logo. Do not distort or modify the logo. Drop shadows, bevels, gradients, and strokes don't mix with TheRealReal logo.
TRR Monogram
TRR Monogram is used in unique instances when there isn't large enough space to display the logo, such as app icons, social media icons etc. Full logo should be used whenever possible
The Suisse Works typeface should only be reserved for large elements like headlines and customer or consignor quotes. Suisse International should be used in all other instances - subheads, body copy and links. Regular and Medium weights are used. For instances where custom fonts are not available, opt for Arial.
Suisse Works
Suisse International
Primary Color Palette
We use a pared down color palette in the majority of our brand communications in order to let TRR product and photography do the work. The color palette maintains a cohesive thread throughout our website, marketing material, retail spaces, and internal communication.
Hex #00000
Secondary Color Palette
Hex #F5F3E9
Hex #6D7057
Hex #E1AA27
Secondary colors can be used if you need more colors beyond the primary palette.
Hex #D8EC5D
Hex #8ABBB6
Image Bank
Please note that these images are for internal use only.
Always check with for usage rights for any communication outside of TRR.
If you no longer see an image that previously was in one of these folders, it means the usage has expired. Check back in quarterly for fresh image updates!
Presentation Templates
The templates are set to View Only. Please make a copy for your use.