Our Look

Our brand cues are just as important in communicating our values as our messaging. When used in harmony, our branded typefaces and color palettes create an elevated look and feel that speaks to our expertise and authority while still being authentic and accessible.

The Logo

The RealReal logo was drawn by Zurich-based type foundry Swiss Typefaces and uses two colors: black and white. Primarily the logo should be used on a white background for maximum impact and clarity.

Download Logo

Usage Guidelines

Minimum Clearspace
Use X height of lowercase letters as a guide for clear-space. In instances where you are not allotted much space, use half the height of the logo.

There should be no unapproved use of any tagline. Approved tagline should be position at half the height of logo below. Use X-height as a guide for tagline positioning. 

Minimum Logo Size
The minimum size of our logo is 25 px on screen, or 1 inch in print, measured by the width. In exceptional circumstances, smaller sizes for print may be necessary. In such cases, legibility should always be your top priority.

TRR Monogram
TRR Monogram is used in unique instances when there isn't large enough space to display the logo, such as app icons, social media icons etc. Full logo should be used whenever possible. 

Incorrect Usage
Use only the approved logo assets. Do not recreate the logo. Do not distort or modify the logo. Drop shadows, bevels, gradients, and strokes don't mix with TheRealReal logo.


The Suisse Works typeface should only be reserved for large elements like headlines and customer or consignor quotes. Suisse International should be used in all other instances - subheads, body copy and links. Regular and Medium weights are used. For instances where custom fonts are not available, opt for Helvetica.

Download Fonts

Suisse Works

Suisse International


Use Suisse Works for a larger headline, with Suisse International Regular for body copy and other secondary text.

Color Palette

We use a pared down color palette in the majority of our brand communications in order to let TRR product and photography do the work. The color palette maintains a cohesive thread throughout our website, marketing material, retail spaces, and internal communication.

Core Brand Color Palette





PMS 18-0426

Commission Levels Color Palette





Consign Color Palette

PMS 2274


Demand Color Palette



UI Color Palette




Seasonal Color Palette (Q1 2025)










Brand Values Color Palette






Authentication Center Color Palette

Benjamin Moore
"Cucumber" 428

Benjamin Moore “Maritime White” 963

Benjamin Moore
“Glen Ridge Gold” 301

Benjamin Moore
“Iris Bliss” 1383

Icon Overview

We use these icons throughout our digital user experience, as well as in other educational moments, such as ways to sell.

Download Icons


We use these illustrations to educate our customers along the sell journey.

Download Illustrations